Second Plenary Meeting of the Tango Project in Athens, Greece


The 2nd plenary meeting of the TANGO project took place last March, at the premises of Netcompany-Intrasoft, in Athens, Greece. The meeting marked the conclusion of the first seven months of the project and allowed our consortium to discuss the progress that has been made so far as well as the tasks that lie ahead of us. It was a good opportunity for both technical and pilot partners to meet in person and discuss not only their separate tasks but also align the work done so far from each side.

Several issues and challenges were pointed out and discussed during the two-day meeting, especially related to the pilot requirements and how the technology provider will match them, the identification of interfaces/communication points among the different components, the clarification of the inputs and outputs for the features/components and their implementation, the correct terminology when addressing data-spaces based on guidelines from the IDSA.

From our side, we discussed the submission of the Deliverable 8.1 “Dissemination, Communication, Exploitation and Stakeholders Engagement Plan”, as Future Needs was one of the major contributors to the document, our progress in the task “Market Analysis and Business Modelling”, which we lead, as well as the work that has already been done in the 8th Work Package in general.

It was a great pleasure to meet familiar faces and get to know new ones in person during this short meeting in the beautiful city of Athens. We are already looking forward to meeting again, but for now, it’s time to get back to work as the most exciting parts of the project are yet to be completed.
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