After 28 exciting months the SAFIR-Med project has successfully reached its conclusion. The Maturity Gate Meeting for the project review, took place in the SESAR JU offices in Belgium, where the SAFIR-Med team presented our results and conclusions. It was a long day, the team was well prepared but most importantly, had closely collaborated during the whole project and achieved some very challenging milestones, so it was an overall successful meeting and project closure. Once more, Future Needs, as the communication and dissemination leader of the project, proudly received congratulations from SESAR JU on quadrupling our goals for the project dissemination online! It was an achievement that would not have been possible without the contribution of the 17 members of our impressive consortium.
Concluding our course with the SAFIR-Med project and our role in designing and curating the project’s dissemination channels and material, we are happy to announce that the last newsletter of the project is published, including the last updates on the challenging milestones achieved and on of course winning the Digital Sky Award!
Τhe project was funded under the VLD Open 2 (H2020-SESAR-2020-1) call of the H2020 programme and managed by the SESAR Joint Undertaking. Future Needs keeps working in this field and participates already in three more projects related to UAM; BURDI –also managed by SESAR3 JU, REFMAP and UAM School 4Cities are already in progress and more are going to be announced soon.
Stay tuned and follow our channels to be up to date with our next steps!