ImAFUSA kick-off meeting in Delft, The Netherlands


On October 4th the ImAFUSA kick-off meeting took place in TU-Delft in the Netherlands, where all the partners gathered for an extended discussion about our project’s first steps and the action that is going to be taken in the project’s runtime.

At the very beginning of the meeting, there was a session with the partners introducing the people who are involved in the project directly and providing the contacts of key individuals.

The team visiting the Royce Institute in Manchester

In this meeting, a representative of SESAR JU, Mr Cengiz Ari (Programme Manager – U-space) was invited as a guest speaker to provide us with important information and guidelines and wished us the best of luck with our project. Next, each work package leader shared a presentation describing the first steps that need to be taken for the project and also setting the framework. 

Through these presentations, we were acquainted with the aim of using the results of this project and the knowledge gained to assist the legislators with the creation of a new framework for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and their integration into everyday life. It was highlighted that the dissemination and communication of the project to the public is a really important task in this project. 

At the end of the meeting we had the chance to provide our view on the project applications and progress. Opinions were shared and interaction was also made in the evening where we had the opportunity to relax in a great restaurant near a canal. 

The first group og the RECONMATIC partners, including the Chinese representatives is visiting Energy House 2.0 in Salford University

The meeting took place in the Aerospace Engineering Building of TU-Delft in a wonderful working space. We want to thank the partners from TU-Delft for their warm hospitality and great organisation. It was a great opportunity του meet everyone in person and plan our upcoming project activities.

In this project, as Future Needs team we are leading all communication, dissemination and exploitation activities, as well as the second work package of the project with the theme “Setting the Scene for UAM  (Urban Air Mobility) assessment”. 

“Setting the scene” means we are going to be coordinating the following objectives:

  • Review current impact and capacity assessment frameworks and indicators for UAM, transport and mobility services
  • Envision use cases of UAM and their expected impacts
  • Identify user needs for an impact and capacity assessment tool
  • Deduct key performance areas and objectives

Thank you TUDelft for the hospitality and organisation of the meeting. 

We are very excited to work along with the consortium on this project and looking forward to our findings!
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