Our online event about the #Erasmusplus Project Green Artivism on 27th of September was the best experience we could have, presenting our project to our target groups in Cyprus.
During this 3 hour meeting, we explained the 4 tools of the project’s Toolkit briefly but meaningfully, we shared our thoughts on local and international environmental issues and also became aware of the great work of Cypriot artists, architects & NGOs already done in relation to green activism. We thank wholeheartedly everyone who attended and shared with us their work. Special thanks to the activist Orestis Matsas, artists Katerina Foukara, Elena Daniel, Andreas Panayi, Konstantina Skalionta and last but not least Victoras Pallikaras and Natasa Ioannou from Friends of the Earth Cyprus.
The 4 tools of the project are ispired by the Arts and propose to the youngsters an alternative way to organise an action against climate change other than physical protest. These tools can be seen in Green Artivism’s website, https://green-artivism.eu/ with downloadable explanatory pdfs and videos.
You are very welcome to test these tools and tell us your opinion in our next online meeting, named the “Pilot Day” that will be organised in a few weeks from now. Stay tuned at Future Needs’ social media channels for new information!