Destination #1 of Cluster Mobility is referred to as the “Climate sciences and responses for the transformation towards climate neutrality”. Under the umbrella of this Cluster of Mobility, there are in total six distinct destinations or impacts, each one related to a specific area of the broad issue of mobility. Here we will analyze destination #1.
Before analyzing destination #1, let’s explain a bit about this cluster of Mobility. Cluster Mobility, under pillar 2 of Horizon Europe, is directly related to the problem of climate change that directly affects every one of us and needs urgent solutions. This cluster aims to accelerate the twin green and digital transitions and associated transformation of our economy, industry, and society to achieve climate neutrality in Europe by 2050. In that scope, the EU decision-makers decided to fund €1,73 billion to projects related to this Cluster, Climate, Energy & Mobility (figures on 18/2/23).
Where does destination #1 aim at?
- Research that will help our understanding of the changing climate and its implications, and it will close knowledge gaps (as identified in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports).
- Development of tools that will support decision makers for mitigation and adaptation actions on various time and spatial scales, and for evaluation of the societal impact of climate change as well as the technologies required for a zero-carbon transition.
- Acceleration of climate action (both mitigation and adaptation) in line with the Paris Agreement and the SDGs, by improving knowledge of the earth system under different socio-economic pathways and estimating the impacts of climate change.
- Contribution to key international assessments such as the IPCC.
- Strengthen the European research area on climate change.
Which Horizon calls address destination #1?
Each cluster of Horizon Europe is addressed by the so-called “calls”, a kind of announcement from the European Commission to all stakeholders, and to everyone interested in applying for funding for a project or a research idea.
Calls are also announced for each destination of each cluster. Thus, this destination #1 contributes directly to the Strategic Plan’s Key Strategic Orientation “Making Europe the first digitally-led circular, climate-neutral and sustainable economy through the transformation of its mobility, energy, construction and production systems” and the impact area “Climate change mitigation and adaptation”. In line with the Strategic Plan, the overall expected impact of this destination is to contribute to the “Transition to a climate-neutral and resilient society and economy enabled through advanced climate science, pathways and responses to climate change (mitigation and adaptation) and behavioural transformations.
Specifically, the calls under destination #1, Climate sciences and responses for the transformation towards climate neutrality of Cluster Climate, Energy, Mobility, are 3 and each one has several topics:
Call – Climate sciences and responses. The opening day for submissions was on 13 December 2023 and the deadline is on 18 April 2023.
- HORIZON-CL5-2023-D1-01-01: Further climate knowledge through advanced science and technologies for analysing Earth observation and Earth system model data
- HORIZON-CL5-2023-D1-01-02: Climate-related tipping points
- HORIZON-CL5-2023-D1-01-03: Climate impacts of a hydrogen economy
- HORIZON-CL5-2023-D1-01-04: Improved knowledge of cloud-aerosol interaction
- HORIZON-CL5-2023-D1-01-05: Science for successful, high-integrity voluntary climate initiatives
- HORIZON-CL5-2023-D1-01-06: Broadening the range of policy options in transition pathway analysis
- HORIZON-CL5-2023-D1-01-07: Modelling for local resilience – Developments in support of local adaptation assessments and plans
- HORIZON-CL5-2023-D1-01-08: Solar Radiation Modification: governance of research
- HORIZON-CL5-2023-D1-01-09: Behavioural change and governance for systemic transformations towards climate resilience
- HORIZON-CL5-2023-D1-01-10: Improving the evidence base regarding the impact of sustainability and climate change education and related learning outcomes
- HORIZON-CL5-2023-D1-01-11: Needs-based adaptation to climate change in Africa
Call – Climate sciences and responses. The opening day for submissions was on 13 December 2023 and the deadline is on 18 April 2023.
- HORIZON-CL5-2023-D1-02-01: EU-China international cooperation on data and model development for pathways to carbon neutrality: focusing on decarbonisation, energy efficiency and socio-economic implications of the transition
- HORIZON-CL5-2023-D1-02-02: EU-China international cooperation on blue carbon
Call – Climate sciences and responses. The opening day for submissions is on 12 September 2023 and the deadline is on 5 March 2024. The following topics under this call have not yet been uploaded to the funders and tenders portal.
- HORIZON-CL5-2024-D1-01-01: Enhanced quantification and understanding of natural and anthropogenic methane emissions and sinks
- HORIZON-CL5-2024-D1-01-02: Inland ice, including snow cover, glaciers, ice sheets and permafrost, and their interaction with climate change
- HORIZON-CL5-2024-D1-01-03: Paleoclimate science for a better understanding of the short- to the long-term evolution of the Earth system
- HORIZON-CL5-2024-D1-01-04: Improved toolbox for evaluating the climate and environmental impacts of trade policies
- HORIZON-CL5-2024-D1-01-05: Next-generation low-emission, climate-resilient pathways and NDCs for a future aligned with the Paris Agreement
- HORIZON-CL5-2024-D1-01-06: The role of climate change foresight for primary and secondary raw materials supply
- HORIZON-CL5-2024-D1-01-07: Quantification of the role of key terrestrial ecosystems in the carbon cycle and related climate effects
Calls for proposals are published on the Funding and Tenders portal, where applicants can find the scope of funded activities and relevant details.
Info day on cluster Climate, Energy & Mobility
European Commission organized virtual Info Days for all the destinations of Cluster 5 -Energy, Climate, Mobility on 15 and 16 December 2022.
Find the presentation of destination #1 of Cluster 5 here:
& Download the presentation in pdf by clicking on “show details” at the destination you are interested in:
Find an overview of all the presentations for all six destinations made during the Info Day here:
You can find more in the Info Day on social media by using this hashtag: #CL5INFODAYS22 and on Horizon Europe’s accounts, @HorizonEU
Read more about Cluster Climate, Energy, and Mobility here:
If you want to apply for funding for Cluster Mobility, find information here: Funding and Tenders portal.
Other destinations of Cluster Climate, Energy, Mobility
Cluster Climate, Energy, Mobility, has in total six destinations or impacts:
- Climate sciences and responses for the transformation towards climate neutrality
- Cross-sectoral solutions for the climate transition
- Sustainable, secure and competitive energy supply
- Efficient, sustainable and inclusive energy use
- Clean and competitive solutions for all transport modes
- Safe, Resilient Transport and Smart Mobility services for passengers and goods
Read about the other destinations in our upcoming blog articles.
Stay tuned!