Destination #1 of Cluster Health is referred to as “Staying healthy in a rapidly changing society”. Under the umbrella of this Cluster of Health, there are in total six distinct destinations or impacts, each one related to a specific area of the broad issue of health. Here we will analyze destination #1.
Before analyzing destination #1, let’s explain a bit about this cluster of Health. Cluster Health, under pillar 2 of Horizon Europe, is one of the most critical ones as it impacts directly European citizens’ well-being and their future life prospects. A generous budget of €977,8 million will fund research and innovation projects that will develop smart solutions to prevent, diagnose, monitor, treat, and cure diseases, as well as health technologies to mitigate health risks. Additionally, it will support and fund ideas that will make public health systems more cost-effective, prevent and tackle poverty-related diseases, and enable patients’ participation and self-management.
Where does destination #1 aim at?
- Smart effective solutions for disease prevention and treatment of chronic health conditions, physical disabilities, mental disorders, disabilities, or age-related impairments. These ideas should take into account the special needs of vulnerable population groups and sex/gender-specific needs.
- Innovative services, new policies, guidelines, and digital solutions to prevent disease and promote health. These tools have to be accessible easily by everyone, be equitable and effective
- New pieces of evidence, methodologies, and tools to promote the model of a healthy lifestyle to adolescents and small children who need to embrace a healthy lifestyle mentality from early stages.
Which Horizon calls address destination #1?
Each cluster of Horizon Europe is addressed by the so-called “calls”, a kind of announcement from the European Commission to all stakeholders, and to everyone interested in applying for funding for a project or a research idea.
Calls are also announced for each destination of each cluster. Thus, for this destination #1, calls for proposals are directed towards the Key Strategic Orientation KSO-D “Creating a more resilient, inclusive and democratic European society” of Horizon Europe’s Strategic Plan 2021-2024. Research and innovation supported under this destination should contribute to the impact area “Good health and high-quality accessible health care” and in particular to the following expected impact, set out in the Strategic Plan for the health cluster: “Citizens of all ages stay healthy and independent in a rapidly changing society thanks to healthier lifestyles and behaviours, healthier diets, healthier environments, improved evidence-based health policies, and more effective solutions for health promotion and disease prevention”. In addition, research and innovation supported under this destination could also contribute to the following impact areas: “High-quality digital services for all”’, “Sustainable food systems from farm to fork on land and sea”, and “Climate change mitigation and adaptation”.
Specifically, these are the calls that contribute to destination #1 of Cluster 1-Health:
Call Staying Healthy (Single stage – 2023)
HORIZON-HLTH-2023-STAYHLTH-01-01: The Silver Deal – Person-centred health and care in European regions, opened on 12 January 2023, with a budget of 40€ million for 2023 and a deadline on 13 April 2023
Call Staying Healthy (Two stage – 2024)
These calls will open on 30 March 2023, with a budget of 30€ and 50€ million respectively, and have a deadline on 19 September 2023 (first stage) and on 11 April 2024 (second stage)
Calls for proposals are published on the Funding and Tenders portal, where applicants can find the scope of funded activities and relevant details.
Info day on cluster Health
European Commission organized a virtual Info Day for all the destinations of Cluster 1 – Health on 19 January 2023.
Find the presentation of destination #1 of Cluster Health here:
Find an overview of all the presentations for all six destinations made during the Info Day here:
You can find more in the Info Day on social media by using this hashtag: #CL1INFODAY and on Horizon Europe’s accounts, @HorizonEU
Read more about Cluster Health here:
If you want to apply for funding for Cluster Health, find information here: Funding and Tenders portal.
Other destinations of Cluster Health
Cluster Health, has in total six destinations or impacts:
- Staying healthy in a rapidly changing society
- Living and working in a health-promoting environment
- Tackling diseases and reducing disease burden
- Ensuring access to innovative, sustainable, and high-quality healthcare
- Unlocking the full potential of new tools, technologies, and digital solutions for a healthy society
- Maintaining an innovative, sustainable, and globally competitive health-related industry
Read about the other destinations in our upcoming blog articles.
Stay tuned!