Creativity Tools for Green Citizenship

  • Funded under
  • Duration
  • Overall budget
  • Partnership
  • Website


 01/11/2021 – 31/10/2023

€ 119 921

6 Partners

Where does the project aim?

Green Artivism project aims to offer young people innovative digital artistic tools in order to help the environmental cause regain momentum – after a halt due to Covid 19 pandemic – though without physical protesting. Following the climate strikes in 2018 by youngsters led by Greta Thunberg, the European Green Deal in 2019 and the core values of European Commission’s new European Bauhaus initiative (January 2021), this project visions to help people achieve a just, local, green, economically viable transition through the use of toolkits for collaboration, community building, participation in democratic procedures, literacy and advocacy.

How will Future Needs participate?

Future Needs will participate at the development and design (structure and functions) of the “CREATIVITY Web-toolkit” in Green Artivism project. This phase incorporates a number of actions, primarily the development of a tool and tutorial named “Storytelling through social media”. The aim is to inspire action with a story and measure impact. Last but not least, Future Needs will lead the development of the “GREEN CITIZENSHIP Workshop” (structure and material development), under which we will perform a number of actions, such as creating the material for the session “Local relevance of EGD for me” and the design of a Virtual Think Tank.

In which actions will the participants take part?

During Green Artivism project the participants will take part in co-op games, a festival and joint-trainings. Under the dissemination umbrella, short plays will be performed outdoors, posters & comics will be presented in public, short films will be submitted to local festivals. Also, storytelling will be included in local TedX sessions and creative writing posted in local newspapers and EU policy magazines.

Green Artivism addresses to:

  • Youth (aged 16-30 years old).
  • Youth Workers who desire to help the cultural and creative sectors recover from the crisis in terms of green, more digital and resilient recovery.
  • Youth participants, especially those involved with Arts who desire to get informed, trained and well-connected so that they can really make a change.

Which are the outcomes of the project?

After participating in the project Youth Workers will be able to replicate the GREEN CITIZENSHIP Workshop and add further material to the Web-toolkit, while youth participants will become Green Artivists and transfer knowledge acquired to peers while stimulating EGD focused active citizenship initiatives.

The long term impact of the project will be: 

To spark and retain interest on Climate Change via a VIRTUAL THINK TANK where young people, youth leaders, youth workers, policy makers and other key actors from different backgrounds will host a dialogue. Participants from Green Artivism project will be able to host their creations, to network, to find collaborators to implement their project ideas, to foster learning and capacity building between locally rooted organizations and individuals and more mature CSOs and NGOS.

Green Artivism will provide fertile ground for interaction and dialogue even (and especially) under the conditions of social distancing and the travel restrictions that Covid 19 imposed. With the finalisation of this project, it is expected that a cycle of empowerment and advocacy will be established, where more and more youth NGOs and participants will be able to join the Green Artivism network and independently express and fight for their environmental rights and for a better future with a strong, healthy and democratic civil society.

Project Facts


Creativity Tools for Green Citizenship

  • Funded under
  • Duration
  • Overall budget
  • Partnership
  • Website


 01/11/2021 – 31/10/2023

€ 119 921

6 Partners

Where does the project aim?

Green Artivism project aims to offer young people innovative digital artistic tools in order to help the environmental cause regain momentum – after a halt due to Covid 19 pandemic – though without physical protesting. Following the climate strikes in 2018 by youngsters led by Greta Thunberg, the European Green Deal in 2019 and the core values of European Commission’s new European Bauhaus initiative (January 2021), this project visions to help people achieve a just, local, green, economically viable transition through the use of toolkits for collaboration, community building, participation in democratic procedures, literacy and advocacy.

How will Future Needs participate?

Future Needs will participate at the development and design (structure and functions) of the “CREATIVITY Web-toolkit” in Green Artivism project. This phase incorporates a number of actions, primarily the development of a tool and tutorial named “Storytelling through social media”. The aim is to inspire action with a story and measure impact. Last but not least, Future Needs will lead the development of the “GREEN CITIZENSHIP Workshop” (structure and material development), under which we will perform a number of actions, such as creating the material for the session “Local relevance of EGD for me” and the design of a Virtual Think Tank.

In which actions will the participants take part?

During Green Artivism project the participants will take part in co-op games, a festival and joint-trainings. Under the dissemination umbrella, short plays will be performed outdoors, posters & comics will be presented in public, short films will be submitted to local festivals. Also, storytelling will be included in local TedX sessions and creative writing posted in local newspapers and EU policy magazines.

Green Artivism addresses to:

  • Youth (aged 16-30 years old).
  • Youth Workers who desire to help the cultural and creative sectors recover from the crisis in terms of green, more digital and resilient recovery.
  • Youth participants, especially those involved with Arts who desire to get informed, trained and well-connected so that they can really make a change.

Which are the outcomes of the project?

After participating in the project Youth Workers will be able to replicate the GREEN CITIZENSHIP Workshop and add further material to the Web-toolkit, while youth participants will become Green Artivists and transfer knowledge acquired to peers while stimulating EGD focused active citizenship initiatives.

The long term impact of the project will be: 

To spark and retain interest on Climate Change via a VIRTUAL THINK TANK where young people, youth leaders, youth workers, policy makers and other key actors from different backgrounds will host a dialogue. Participants from Green Artivism project will be able to host their creations, to network, to find collaborators to implement their project ideas, to foster learning and capacity building between locally rooted organizations and individuals and more mature CSOs and NGOS.

Green Artivism will provide fertile ground for interaction and dialogue even (and especially) under the conditions of social distancing and the travel restrictions that Covid 19 imposed. With the finalisation of this project, it is expected that a cycle of empowerment and advocacy will be established, where more and more youth NGOs and participants will be able to join the Green Artivism network and independently express and fight for their environmental rights and for a better future with a strong, healthy and democratic civil society.

Project Facts

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