Impact and capacity Assessment Framework for U-space societal Acceptance

  • Funded under
  • Duration
  • Overall budget
  • Partnership
  • Website

Horizon Europe

01/09/2023 – 28/02/2026

€ 877 207,50

8 Partners

Project Ambition

ImAFUSA is set to unlock groundbreaking insights into three key areas that influence societal acceptance of UAM:

  1. Environmental Impact: Tackling issues such as noise, visual pollution, and air quality head-on.
  2. Safety: Ensuring that UAM becomes a synonym for safety, instilling confidence in every citizen.
  3. Socio-Economic Impact: Making UAM accessible, affordable, and contributing to economic development while optimising public space use and connectivity.

In order to measure the above, ImAFUSA is pioneering the creation of mathematical formulas and algorithms to quantify innovative performance indicators. This approach will contribute to the designation of Sustainable Urban Air Mobility Indicators (SUAMI) empowering stakeholders to make more informed, responsible, sustainable and socially accepted decisions.


How does Future Needs participate?

Future Needs leads the dissemination activities and the activities for development of socioeconomic impact assessment indicators. Additionally, Future Needs leads the Setting the Scene for UAM assessment Work Package. This work package has the following objectives:

  • Review of current impact and capacity assessment frameworks and indicators for UAM, transport and mobility services
  • Envision use cases of UAM and their expected impacts
  • Identify user needs for an impact and capacity assessment tool
  • Deduct key performance areas and objectives

Social engagement

ImAFUSA will also be engaging directly with citizens through three immersive UAM experiences in Athens, Greece. Collecting valuable data on loudness, visual pollution, safety perceptions, and overall UAM acceptance, the project is on the pulse of public sentiment. 

But that’s not all! ImAFUSA will put its indicators to the test in a cutting-edge simulation environment, mimicking real-world U-space scenarios of varying volumes and configurations. 

This project is expected to have a significant impact in the socially acceptable deployment of a UAM, through sustainable indicators. Brace yourselves for an era where UAM enhances sustainable mobility, elevates business performance, connects citizens, and triggers economic activity in urban and peri-urban areas.

Project Facts

01234567890                     ,01234567890Years

Impact and capacity Assessment Framework for U-space societal Acceptance

  • Funded under
  • Duration
  • Overall budget
  • Partnership
  • Website

Horizon Europe

01/09/2023 – 28/02/2026

€ 877 207,50

8 Partners

Project Ambition

ImAFUSA is set to unlock groundbreaking insights into three key areas that influence societal acceptance of UAM:

  1. Environmental Impact: Tackling issues such as noise, visual pollution, and air quality head-on.
  2. Safety: Ensuring that UAM becomes a synonym for safety, instilling confidence in every citizen.
  3. Socio-Economic Impact: Making UAM accessible, affordable, and contributing to economic development while optimising public space use and connectivity.

In order to measure the above, ImAFUSA is pioneering the creation of mathematical formulas and algorithms to quantify innovative performance indicators. This approach will contribute to the designation of Sustainable Urban Air Mobility Indicators (SUAMI) empowering stakeholders to make more informed, responsible, sustainable and socially accepted decisions.


How does Future Needs participate?

Future Needs leads the dissemination activities and the activities for development of socioeconomic impact assessment indicators. Additionally, Future Needs leads the Setting the Scene for UAM assessment Work Package. This work package has the following objectives:

  • Review of current impact and capacity assessment frameworks and indicators for UAM, transport and mobility services
  • Envision use cases of UAM and their expected impacts
  • Identify user needs for an impact and capacity assessment tool
  • Deduct key performance areas and objectives

Social engagement

ImAFUSA will also be engaging directly with citizens through three immersive UAM experiences in Athens, Greece. Collecting valuable data on loudness, visual pollution, safety perceptions, and overall UAM acceptance, the project is on the pulse of public sentiment. 

But that’s not all! ImAFUSA will put its indicators to the test in a cutting-edge simulation environment, mimicking real-world U-space scenarios of varying volumes and configurations. 

This project is expected to have a significant impact in the socially acceptable deployment of a UAM, through sustainable indicators. Brace yourselves for an era where UAM enhances sustainable mobility, elevates business performance, connects citizens, and triggers economic activity in urban and peri-urban areas.

Project Facts

01234567890                     ,01234567890Years

Reducing Environmental Footprint through transformative Multi-scale Aviation Planning

  • Funded under
  • Duration
  • Overall budget
  • Partnership
  • Website

Horizon Europe

01/02/2023 – 31/01/2026

€  4 034 527

11 Partners

Project Motivation

In today’s world that climate change is a major threat, the need to assess and minimise the environmental impact of our activities become evident. Aviation is a major contributor to the emitted greenhouse gases and the rapid rising of urban air mobility will only add to this problem. For this reason, there is a need to create a management system that will optimise trajectories. Optimising trajectories will not only help reduce the environmental footprint of aviation and urban air mobility, but also will have a financial benefit. At the same time, while more and more vehicles move through the air, the impact of the noise they produce, on both community and wildlife remains understudied. Both for emissions and noise, the natural air flows play also a big part.  RefMap aims to address these issues through the development of a transformative digital technology platform that allows quantifying the environmental footprints associated with multi-scale aviation using big data and AI.


How does Future Needs participate?

Future Needs leads the following activities:

  • Project Branding, Dissemination and Communication activities
  • Clustering with relevant projects and ATM/U-space stakeholders through founding the Aviation Twin Transition Cluster

Future Needs also leads the “Development of the RefMap services and the new European businesses they enable” work package which aims to:

  • Validate the potential of RefMap analytics, simulations and platform and define the MVP based on user needs
  • Define and validate the new business models that the RefMap analytics will enable

Project Ambition

RefMap aims to revolutionise the aviation industry by developing a comprehensive approach to improving air traffic management, reducing environmental footprint, and assessing and minimising the noise impact of drones on communities and wildlife. The project utilises cutting-edge technologies, including deep learning techniques, HPC auto-tuning, and GPU acceleration, to accurately predict flow patterns, optimise drone trajectories, and conduct high-fidelity simulations. To ensure ethical data acquisition, the project also prioritises cyber security and decentralised data management.

Beyond technology, RefMap also has a holistic view of aviation business models and aims to align aviation needs with stakeholders’ needs to extrapolate the business value of green technology. By promoting green management practices, RefMap demonstrates how green technologies can benefit all aviation stakeholders, from airlines and airports to communities and wildlife. RefMap’s ambition extends beyond developing an air quality model; it also includes developing a flight dynamic model that can handle high-density aircraft scenarios, optimising commercial flight trajectories to reduce environmental impact, and minimising the impact of drone noise on populated areas through noise generation and perception optimization. The project also seeks to create a drone noise impact assessment approach for wildlife and provide guidelines to minimise the impact of drone noise on both communities and wildlife.


RefMap use cases

RefMap tool will have an impact on the service offer of aviation operators active in the large scale, such as airlines and small scale, such as drone operators. This tool will enable the provision of new and environmentally-optimal services in the small scale and the optimisation of current aircraft operations. The stakeholders involved and benefited from the outcomes of RefMap are: airlines, drone operators, airports, regulators and policy-makers. The services that are envisioned to be enabled through our technology in the RefMap project are briefly described in the following use cases:

  • Use cases in large scale (airlines and airports)
  • Use cases in small scale (urban air mobility)

Reducing Environmental Footprint through transformative Multi-scale Aviation Planning

  • Funded under
  • Duration
  • Overall budget
  • Partnership
  • Website

Horizon Europe

01/02/2023 – 31/01/2026

€  4 034 527

11 Partners

Project Motivation

In today’s world that climate change is a major threat, the need to assess and minimise the environmental impact of our activities become evident. Aviation is a major contributor to the emitted greenhouse gases and the rapid rising of urban air mobility will only add to this problem. For this reason, there is a need to create a management system that will optimise trajectories. Optimising trajectories will not only help reduce the environmental footprint of aviation and urban air mobility, but also will have a financial benefit. At the same time, while more and more vehicles move through the air, the impact of the noise they produce, on both community and wildlife remains understudied. Both for emissions and noise, the natural air flows play also a big part.  RefMap aims to address these issues through the development of a transformative digital technology platform that allows quantifying the environmental footprints associated with multi-scale aviation using big data and AI.


How does Future Needs participate?

Future Needs leads the following activities:

  • Project Branding, Dissemination and Communication activities
  • Clustering with relevant projects and ATM/U-space stakeholders

Future Needs also leads the “Development of the RefMap services and the new European businesses they enable” work package which aims to:

  • Validate the potential of RefMap analytics, simulations and platform and define the MVP based on user needs
  • Define and validate the new business models that the RefMap analytics will enable

Project Ambition

RefMap aims to revolutionise the aviation industry by developing a comprehensive approach to improving air traffic management, reducing environmental footprint, and assessing and minimising the noise impact of drones on communities and wildlife. The project utilises cutting-edge technologies, including deep learning techniques, HPC auto-tuning, and GPU acceleration, to accurately predict flow patterns, optimise drone trajectories, and conduct high-fidelity simulations. To ensure ethical data acquisition, the project also prioritises cyber security and decentralised data management.

Beyond technology, RefMap also has a holistic view of aviation business models and aims to align aviation needs with stakeholders’ needs to extrapolate the business value of green technology. By promoting green management practices, RefMap demonstrates how green technologies can benefit all aviation stakeholders, from airlines and airports to communities and wildlife. RefMap’s ambition extends beyond developing an air quality model; it also includes developing a flight dynamic model that can handle high-density aircraft scenarios, optimising commercial flight trajectories to reduce environmental impact, and minimising the impact of drone noise on populated areas through noise generation and perception optimization. The project also seeks to create a drone noise impact assessment approach for wildlife and provide guidelines to minimise the impact of drone noise on both communities and wildlife.


RefMap use cases

RefMap tool will have an impact on the service offer of aviation operators active in the large scale, such as airlines and small scale, such as drone operators. This tool will enable the provision of new and environmentally-optimal services in the small scale and the optimisation of current aircraft operations. The stakeholders involved and benefited from the outcomes of RefMap are: airlines, drone operators, airports, regulators and policy-makers. The services that are envisioned to be enabled through our technology in the RefMap project are briefly described in the following use cases:

  • Use cases in large scale (airlines and airports)
  • Use cases in small scale (urban air mobility)

Reducing Environmental Footprint through transformative Multi-scale Aviation Planning

  • Funded under
  • Duration
  • Overall budget
  • Partnership
  • Website

Horizon Europe

01/02/2023 – 31/01/2026

€  4 034 527

11 Partners

Project Motivation

In today’s world that climate change is a major threat, the need to assess and minimise the environmental impact of our activities become evident. Aviation is a major contributor to the emitted greenhouse gases and the rapid rising of urban air mobility will only add to this problem. For this reason, there is a need to create a management system that will optimise trajectories. Optimising trajectories will not only help reduce the environmental footprint of aviation and urban air mobility, but also will have a financial benefit. At the same time, while more and more vehicles move through the air, the impact of the noise they produce, on both community and wildlife remains understudied. Both for emissions and noise, the natural air flows play also a big part.  RefMap aims to address these issues through the development of a transformative digital technology platform that allows quantifying the environmental footprints associated with multi-scale aviation using big data and AI.

How does Future Needs participate?

Future Needs leads the following activities:

  • Project Branding, Dissemination and Communication activities
  • Clustering with relevant projects and ATM/U-space stakeholders

Future Needs also leads the “Development of the RefMap services and the new European businesses they enable” work package which aims to:

  • Validate the potential of RefMap analytics, simulations and platform and define the MVP based on user needs
  • Define and validate the new business models that the RefMap analytics will enable

Project Ambition

RefMap aims to revolutionise the aviation industry by developing a comprehensive approach to improving air traffic management, reducing environmental footprint, and assessing and minimising the noise impact of drones on communities and wildlife. The project utilises cutting-edge technologies, including deep learning techniques, HPC auto-tuning, and GPU acceleration, to accurately predict flow patterns, optimise drone trajectories, and conduct high-fidelity simulations. To ensure ethical data acquisition, the project also prioritises cyber security and decentralised data management.

Beyond technology, RefMap also has a holistic view of aviation business models and aims to align aviation needs with stakeholders’ needs to extrapolate the business value of green technology. By promoting green management practices, RefMap demonstrates how green technologies can benefit all aviation stakeholders, from airlines and airports to communities and wildlife. RefMap’s ambition extends beyond developing an air quality model; it also includes developing a flight dynamic model that can handle high-density aircraft scenarios, optimising commercial flight trajectories to reduce environmental impact, and minimising the impact of drone noise on populated areas through noise generation and perception optimization. The project also seeks to create a drone noise impact assessment approach for wildlife and provide guidelines to minimise the impact of drone noise on both communities and wildlife.

RefMap use cases

RefMap tool will have an impact on the service offer of aviation operators active in the large scale, such as airlines and small scale, such as drone operators. This tool will enable the provision of new and environmentally-optimal services in the small scale and the optimisation of current aircraft operations. The stakeholders involved and benefited from the outcomes of RefMap are: airlines, drone operators, airports, regulators and policy-makers. The services that are envisioned to be enabled through our technology in the RefMap project are briefly described in the following use cases:

  • Use cases in large scale (airlines and airports)
  • Use cases in small scale (urban air mobility)

BeNe U-space Reference Design Implementation

  • Funded under
  • Duration
  • Overall budget
  • Partnership
  • Website


 01/10/2022 – 01/07/2025

€ 9 886 709

22 Partners

Just as U-space has specifically been designed as an enabling framework to facilitate scalable VLOS and BVLOS drone operations in even the most congested airspaces and over all types of environments, the BURDI project has been specifically designed to enable a speedy yet all-encompassing real live reference implementation of this U-space framework in Belgium, endorsed by one of its neighbouring countries. The BURDI project will be implemented mainly around the three main civil controlled airports in Belgium: Brussels, Antwerp and Liège, complemented with a zone East of Antwerp currently tagged as Helicopter Training Area.

BURDI project has been specifically designed to enable a speedy yet all-encompassing real live reference implementation of this U-space framework in Belgium.

What is the role of Future Needs?

Future Needs leads the data protection and data management plan of the BURDI project, participates in communication and dissemination activities and leads the ATM and U-space capacity assessment. Furthermore, at the topic of social acceptance & multilevel governance, Future Needs along with Airbus and the cities of UIC2 participating in the Advisory Board of the project, will evaluate the social acceptance and the multilevel governance of U-space implementation, especially in the UAM environment by using the UAM Smart indicators developed by our company in frames of the ongoing SAFIR- Med SESAR JU H2020 project (they will fine tuned and validated). Lastly, in the same topic, Future Needs will execute regular market surveys and ad-hoc analyses and then, it will elaborate a cost efficiency report and the business sustainability plan of the effective U-space services provision.

What is the main objective of the BURDI project?

The objective of the BURDI project is to implement a “full” U-space airspace concept in several environments (including controlled airspace and urban environments (UAM)) and to demonstrate its sustainability and socio-economic value for the drone services sector, driven by the safe and secure enablement of drone operations in complex and dense traffic conditions, including manned aviation activities. The BURDI program contributes to the Horizon Europe sector fostering development of decarbonised modes of transportation. The aim of the BURDI project is to establish multiple U-space airspaces implementations throughout the Belgian FIR.

How will the BURDI project contribute to the efficiency objectives of the trans-European transport network?

1. The BURDI project will use cost-efficient application of innovative technology for execution of essential activities in safety and security domains. These will cover inspection of critical infrastructures like the Port of Antwerp.
2. It will establishing the connection with other transportation mode ensuring the sustainable (decarbonised) delivery for the last kilometers.
3. It will get rid of existing bottlenecks due to ground traffic jam to deliver a payload, especially if there is a priority in support of medical operations, developed and datasets – to be scaled up in BURDI project.

Project Facts


Urban Air Mobility School for Cities – UAMschool4cities

  • Funded under
  • Duration
  • Overall budget
  • Partnership
  • Website


 01/01/2022 – 31/12/2023

€ 230 665

7 Partners

What is the mission of UAMschool4cities?

UAMschool4cities’ mission is to create a learning framework and a training programme for current and future local authority employees which will equip them with the necessary skills to manage the uptake of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) services in their city. In particular, UAMschool4cities project will create a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for professionals of any background interested in entering the local Public Administration mobility sector.

The MOOC will enable participants to:

  • Get familiar with UAM concepts and key technologies.
  • Keep up with relevant regulatory frameworks.
  • Include UAM in urban development agendas.
  • Develop responsible and socially acceptable UAM services for the benefit of citizens.

The Training programme will be piloted with 70 city employees from 10 cities across Europe. At the end of the course participants will be awarded with the ‘’UAM for Cities Certificate”.

What is the “Occupational Profile” Future Needs will develop?

In UAMschool4cities, Future Needs will develop an initial Occupational Profile based on outcomes of a series of two-day workshops in five countries with a panel of high-performing city staff already working in the area of UAM for their city. During each workshop these skilled employees will identify the duties and tasks that make up their job. Thus the result will be an Occupational Profile which describes a job in terms of specific duties and tasks that competent UAM staff must perform. Finally the description will be complemented by a visually attractive user-friendly chart.

The “Training Platform” as a service

Furthermore, Future Needs Management Consulting will also design the e-learning Training Platform of UAMschool4cities, which will host the online course. The Training programme will be available in 5 languages: English, French , Greek , Portuguese , Slovenian.

At the end of the project partners will release the validated Training Programme as a service to become available for every European city and beyond.

What are the project mid-term objectives?

By the end of the project partners aim to have achieved the following mid-term outcomes:

  • The delivery of a comprehensive Occupational Profile for UAM public domain experts that Human Resources departments across local, national and EU administrations can utilize.
  • The establishment of a coherent learning methodology for training public servants in UAM which cities and Adult Learning professionals may utilize.

What is the long-term impact of UAMschool4cities?

The longer-term impact of the project will be:

  • The establishment of a mechanism that will provide cities with skilled and qualified UAM experts.
  • Enhanced employability of professionals from various domains through acquisition of UAM skills and competences.
  • Acceleration of deployment of innovative transport services in EU cities, as a result of application of newly acquired skills in practice by trained UAM experts.

Project Facts

01234567890Months of Open Online Courses

Urban Air Mobility School for Cities – UAMschool4cities

  • Funded under
  • Duration
  • Overall budget
  • Partnership
  • Website


 01/01/2022 – 31/12/2023

€ 230 665

7 Partners

What is the mission of UAMschool4cities?

UAMschool4cities’ mission is to create a learning framework and a training programme for current and future local authority employees which will equip them with the necessary skills to manage the uptake of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) services in their city. In particular, UAMschool4cities project will create a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for professionals of any background interested in entering the local Public Administration mobility sector.

The MOOC will enable participants to:

  • Get familiar with UAM concepts and key technologies.
  • Keep up with relevant regulatory frameworks.
  • Include UAM in urban development agendas.
  • Develop responsible and socially acceptable UAM services for the benefit of citizens.

The Training programme will be piloted with 70 city employees from 10 cities across Europe. At the end of the course participants will be awarded with the ‘’UAM for Cities Certificate”.

What is the “Occupational Profile” Future Needs will develop?

In UAMschool4cities, Future Needs will develop an initial Occupational Profile based on outcomes of a series of two-day workshops in five countries with a panel of high-performing city staff already working in the area of UAM for their city. During each workshop these skilled employees will identify the duties and tasks that make up their job. Thus the result will be an Occupational Profile which describes a job in terms of specific duties and tasks that competent UAM staff must perform. Finally the description will be complemented by a visually attractive user-friendly chart.

The “Training Platform” as a service

Furthermore, Future Needs Management Consulting will also design the e-learning Training Platform of UAMschool4cities, which will host the online course. The Training programme will be available in 5 languages: English, French , Greek , Portuguese , Slovenian.

At the end of the project partners will release the validated Training Programme as a service to become available for every European city and beyond.

What are the project mid-term objectives?

By the end of the project partners aim to have achieved the following mid-term outcomes:

  • The delivery of a comprehensive Occupational Profile for UAM public domain experts that Human Resources departments across local, national and EU administrations can utilize.
  • The establishment of a coherent learning methodology for training public servants in UAM which cities and Adult Learning professionals may utilize.

What is the long-term impact of UAMschool4cities?

The longer-term impact of the project will be:

  • The establishment of a mechanism that will provide cities with skilled and qualified UAM experts.
  • Enhanced employability of professionals from various domains through acquisition of UAM skills and competences.
  • Acceleration of deployment of innovative transport services in EU cities, as a result of application of newly acquired skills in practice by trained UAM experts.

Project Facts

01234567890Months of Open Online Courses

Enabling sustainable oenological practices through a robotic UAS solution for precision viticulture

  • Funded under
  • Duration
  • Overall budget
  • Partnership
  • Website

Horizon 2020

01/09/2021 – 30/01/2023

€500 000

6 partners

What is the aim of Oenobotics?

Oenobotics services will be delivered to customers such as vineyard farmers or associations. It will use a hardware-as-a-service business model, supporting viticulture farmers to avoid significant initial investment costs. The Oenobotics hardware and software will also be available to drone companies and interested farmers as an off-the-shelf product. The solution addresses the needs of wine-producing vineyards located in remote sloppy elevated locations that are hard to reach with any machinery.

In particular, the Oenobotics project deploys a droned platform that will provide viticulture farmers the following innovative and affordable precision viticulture services:

  1. Vine disease diagnostics.
  2. Vine water-stress diagnostics.
  3. Precise spot-spraying for treatment of downy mildew, powdery mildew and grey mould/botrytis.
  4. A wireless and automated drone charging dock.


What will Future Needs coordinate?

Future Needs Management Consulting will coordinate the Minimum Viable Product definition and the service design in the Oenobotics project. Additionally, Future Needs will coordinate the trials, the user-validation and the fine-tuning of the system. Initially Future Needs will provide a description of all the services and the system technical requirements and mockups of the final product and will draw the services. When the system is built, test drone flights over Kontogiannis Family vineyards with known health state will take place. They will diagnose correctly the plants health state (disease and water-stress diagnosis) and they will spray precisely a liquid (water or a specific biological mix approved by the user) in selected areas. Finally they will automatically return to and land on the docking station to recharge.

How will Oenobotics help vineyard owners & workers?

These Oenobotics services will assist vineyards owners in avoiding health impacts of chemicals and heat on vineyard workers. What’s more, Oenobotics will help farmers to react much faster to extreme weather changes caused by climate change. Finally the project aims to assist farmers to be more sustainable and profitable by producing yield of better quality, using less pesticides (in case of conventional farming) and producing less CO2 emissions (in case of organic farming). Project results will be demonstrated in an organic vineyard in Greece.


Which activities will Future Needs lead?

Future Needs is the leader of all the market related activities of the undertaking in the Oenobotics project. These include IPR Management and GDPR, the creation of the product brand and associated promotional material. Also, the organisation of two promotional events in collaboration with DIHs and the marketing campaign for early adoption and ecosystem building. Additionally Future Needs will make a business and financial plan and a preparation for the market entry, to ensure the financial sustainability of the undertaking. Finally, Future Needs will establish an expansion strategy in order to define the means for developing scalable user-centred services and will create organizational plans (structure, processes) for the new venture that will drive the Oenobotics solution into the market.

Safe and flexible integration of advanced U-space services for medical air mobility

  • Funded under
  • Duration
  • Overall budget
  • Partnership
  • Website

Horizon 2020

 01/12/2020 – 30/11/2022

€ 2 725 120


SAFIR-Med is an awarded U-space management large-scale innovation project. Drones are emerging as a viable solution for urgent and reliable medical transport. The vision of SAFIR-Med is to demonstrate the use of urban air mobility in service to the EU healthcare system. and to ensure democratic access to cure and care for future generations. This is why it was selected by SESAR among other demonstration projects as the most successful in showing the benefits of SESAR innovation in live operational contexts, helping to secure stakeholder buy-in and with potential to have long-term positive impact on #ATM performance.


What will we learn from SAFIR-Med?

All lessons learnt from this U-space management project are documented in a performance assessment and a recommendations report. The report includes:

  • Refinements to the current U-space architecture principles.
  • Proposals for improved operational procedures and mechanisms for an effective interface with Air Traffic Control (ATC) and U-space service providers.
  • Α Human Performance Assessment (led by Future Needs) detailing how controllers performed during the demonstrations.

Another innovative outcome of the project is the creation of a set of Urban Air Mobility indicators which will help cities get acquainted with their role in U-space management and help them include UAM in their Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs).

The role of Future Needs in the project

Future Needs led the development of Smart City UAM indicators framework in the SAFIR-Med project. In this task we conducted an impact assessment on the effectiveness and implications of UAM adoption for the urban spatial structure and citizens focusing on the mid-term timeline. We primarily focused on the significance of changes that will be brought about in the city context considering the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Sustainable Urban Mobility Indicators (SUMI) outlined by the European Commission.

Furthermore, Future Needs leads the dissemination, communication and exploitation activities of the SAFIR-Med project. We have created the project’s website and dissemination material (poster and flyer), prepared the press releases, and we are curating the newsletter and the social media, Twitter and Linkedin, of the project. We have also organised the SAFIR-Med events together with the project partners. The website has been continuously updated and presents the project’s deliverables, news, brochures, flyers, videos, consortium’s expertise in UAM and project’s progress and results from the demonstrations. In our role of social media coordinator we are posting news and updates on the SAFIR-Med activities and the progression of project’s tasks and deliverables, as well as launch novel cross-project campaigns like running the #UAMExplained campaign. Very early we have reached and finally quadrupled our initial goals receiving congratulations from SESAR3 JU for the best Dissemination and Communication among the SJU projects.

Future Needs also prepared and conducted the Human Performance Assessment during the demonstrations. Our role was to identify the HP requirements and recommendations to support the design and development of the new U-space concept. We ensured that the roles and responsibilities of human actors in the demonstrations are clear and exhaustive and that the refined operating methods are also exhaustive and support human performance, and finally that human actors can achieve their tasks in a timely and accurate way.

Last but not least, Future Needs acted as a Sustainability manager in the  SAFIR-Med project.  We ensured the future exploitation and deployment of the project results and the continuation of the SAFIR-Med research and innovation.

Finally, Future Needs was in charge of the research ethics and data protection of the project. We coordinated the process of keeping records on how, when, where and why data is collected, how it is processed, how it is used, stored and secured, how access is granted to project partners. All that is documented in the Data Management Plan of the Project as well as the Ethics deliverables.

What was tested during the project?

During the project new U-Space services were tested to validate their contribution to operational safety. Technologies that were tested during the demonstrations include detect-and-avoid as a service, dynamic geofencing and air traffic prioritization rules. Five drone platforms were combined with manned aviation in operational exercises that will validate technology in real urban environment. These platforms are: passenger eVTOL, hydrogen fuel cell VTOL, AED medical drone, X8 medical transport and tiltwing VTOL drone.


What about project demonstrations?

Project demonstrations took place at the city of Antwerp in Belgium and are soon to be completed in Aachen, Germany  and the trans-border MAHHL region. A de-risking exercise will took place at the DronePort test-facility in Sint-Truiden in Belgium.

Real demonstrations were enhanced by large-scale simulations in order to test how U-space services respond to maximum airspace capacity. Finally, project recommendations were further validated by simulating demonstrations in two additional locations in Europe, namely, Athens, Greece and Prague, Czech Republic. These demonstrations included passenger transport between hospitals and public spaces and transport of life-saving medical goods and equipment to the scene of incidents.


What will EU cities achieve through this project?

Thanks to SAFIR-Med EU cities will be enabled to:

  • Κeep up with relevant regulatory changes.
  • Ιnclude Urban Air Mobility in their urban development agendas.
  • Start using Urban Air Mobility technology for the benefit of their citizens.
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