HiDALGO2 will concentrate on the following conceptual aspects: They are extremely important to follow the work programme and fulfil general recommendations. HiDALGO2 is going to implement a rich set of functionalities, services, model adaptations, co-design benchmarks as well as actively work on establishing collaboration with other projects, initiatives and communities. In order to achieve the relevant impact for the project and measure its success, four above-mentioned categories have been detailed by a set of specific objectives. The goals and ambitions of the HiDALGO2 project go far beyond the current state of knowledge and application possibilities, exploring areas that have not been explored so far. Thanks to HiDALGO2, it will be possible to make a qualitative change allowing us to look at the current state of knowledge of the analysed problems from a new perspective. Through the progress achieved in the project, we expect a qualitative leap in terms of scale, resolution and accuracy of the results obtained. This can be compared to using a microscope with much higher magnification to study extremely small organisms. Something that was previously invisible to the researcher suddenly becomes available and allows you to understand the essence of things. Future Needs contributes in the following Work Packages of the HiDALGO2: On top of that, we lead the Work Package “Outreach, Awareness and Impact Creation”. Work package’s objective is oriented on maximizing the impact of the project and ensuring proper communication and dissemination of the project results/offerings and subsequently to raise awareness to the scientific and societal stakeholders. Another key aspect is to ensure the sustainability of the project results once the project is over in correlation with the individual and joint exploitation intentions of the partners. A key objective of this work package is on community building activities, which already started successfully in HiDALGO, but will be significantly expanded in the successor project, e.g. through a dedicated EU Clustering event. With respect to training activities, the goal is to build a centre for knowledge, experience and expertise exchanging ideas on development of novel/adapted solutions to tackle Global Challenges and to further advance the uptake of Exascale in this domain at European scale. Thus, this work package will spread the knowledge on efficient utilisation of relevant implementation methods and deployment on current and future HPC and AI infrastructures.
The potential of scalability is diverse across use cases. The first reason for this is that they come from different fields and are based on completely different computational models. Secondly, they also use various frameworks to conduct calculations, which translates into achieved results. The level of maturity is different, resulting either from the development time or the resources devoted. Most importantly, all pilot applications have great potential for scalability development based on the software and implemented models. Lastly, HiDALGO2 inherits the legacy of the HiDALGO project by continuing the work started under this project. HiDALGO2 is highly ambitious and in order to achieve its maximum potential it is linked with various other actions with collaboration agreements, specifically the following:
HPC and Big Data Technologies for Global Challenges
Project Objectives
Project Ambition and Novelty
How does Future Needs participate?
Maturity of the Proposed Solution
Link with other actions