BeWEEN Project Closing meeting hosted by Future Needs in Athens, Greece
The last project meeting
The final project meeting of the Erasmus+ project BeWEEN was hosted by Future Needs in Athens, Greece, from October 17th to 18th, allowing the project partners to evaluate the past two-year period and the project’s implementation. During the last project meeting, the participants had the opportunity to give their views on the results of the work and the relations and cooperation between the partners over the past two years. Although all project results have been achieved, the project team still needs to take some actions for the project closing.

Project Outcomes
The project produced the following Project Results through its lifetime:
BeWEEN Curriculum, which is the work of the partners on defining the contents of training material.
BeWEEN Training Programme, which is the training material that was developed for teachers and it can be included in their classrooms, aiming to add aspects of protecting health and wellbeing along with the environment when using digital media.
The BeWEEN Mobile Game, which is available for Android smartphones and targets students of 13 years old and more, helping them to expand their knowledge, recognise behaviours they’d like to change and, in the end, give them the tools to change these behaviours.
Every result can be accessed through the project website.
In addition to the achieved results, through the project’s lifetime, each partner organised a workshop with teachers in order to present the training material and collect their feedback. Additionally, each partner organised an online event to present and promote the mobile game.
During the project’s progress, 5 project meetings were held. Due to the circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, the first one was held online, while the second was held in May 2022 in Athens, Greece, the third in October 2022 in Vienna, Austria, the fourth in May 2023 in Rijeka, Croatia and the last one in October 2023, in Athens, Greece.

Our role
As Future Needs, we are really happy to be part of the project. We had the opportunity to expand our knowledge and meet new partners! Our role in the project was to contribute to each activity and lead the development of the mobile game and its features. We are really proud of the outcomes.